EE485: Special Topics in Electronic Engineering I
<Software development environment and tools practice>

Course Info

Professors :

Name Office Hours Office Email
Sung-Ju Lee TBA N1, 306
Insu Yun TBA N1, 812

Lectures :

Meeting Time Fri 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Meeting Place (Zoom) [Zoom link: Lee] OR [Zoom link: Yun]

Teaching Assistants :
Please use for this course

Bongjoon Hyun
Hankyeol Moon
HyungJun Yoon
Jaehoon Kim
Jieun Kim
Seungjun Lee
Seungkwan Kang
Yeongbin Hwang


Class Overview

This course teaches students to learn and practice basic programming tools (like emacs, gcc, gdb, git, UNIX commands) in the Linux programming environment.
The goal of this course is getting familiar with the Linux programming environment.
You would feel comfortable with tools for EE209 programming assignments with this course.

Recommended books:

  • No textbooks but we have recommendations
  • William Shotts, The Linux Command Line, 2nd edition
  • Neil Matthew & Richard Stones, Beginning Linux Programming, 4th Edition
  • Richard Blum & Christine Bresnahan, Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible

Grading Policy

Hands-on practice (60%) + final exam (40%)

Schedule :

Week Date Lecturer Zoom link Class / Assignment Submission
1 9/3 Lee/Yun link Introduction to UNIX and C [slides] [video] [assignment 1] Submit (~9/10 10:25AM)
2 9/10 Lee link UNIX shells & basic Unix commands [slides] [video] [assignment 2] Submit (~9/24 10:25AM)
3 9/17 Chuseok - No class
4 9/24 Yun Recorded Video Editors (vscode) [slides] [video] [assignment 3] Subimt (~10/1 10:25AM)
5 10/1 Lee link C compilers [slides] [video] [assignment 4] Submit (~10/8 10:25AM)
6 10/8 Yun link Debuggers [slides] [video] [assignment 5] Submit (~10/15 10:25AM)
7 10/15 Lee link Debugging techniques [slides] [video] [assignment 6] Submit (~10/29 10:25AM)
8 10/22 Midterm week - No class
9 10/29 Lee link Makefile [slides] [video] [assignment 7] Submit (~11/5 10:25AM)
10 11/05 Yun link Sanitizer [slides] [video] [assignment 8] Submit (~11/12 10:25AM)
11 11/12 Lee link Version control systems [slides] [video] [assignment 9] Submit (~11/19 10:25AM)
12 11/19 Yun link System performance monitoring [slides] [video] [assignment 10] Submit (~11/26 10:25AM)
13 11/26 Lee link How a unix shell works [slides] [video] [assignment 11] Submit (~12/3 10:25AM)
14 12/03 Final Take Home Exam [problems] Submit (~12/10 10:25AM)
15 12/10 No class
16 12/17 Finals week - No class

Class Policy

Students are encouraged to interact with classmates, as well as the professor and the TAs, to discuss course material and assignment problems. In all your writing, including homework, essays, reports, and exams, use your own words, and acknowledge the source if you use someone else’s slides, quotes, figures, text, etc. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will be punished by failure on exams/assignments/course, and suspension or expulsion from the University.