Congratulations! Our paper "Understanding (Mis)Perceptions of On-Device AI Vishing Detection Apps" has been accepted at CHI LBW'25.
Here are new members of NMSL!
Seongwoo Kim
, MS student
Muhammad Izaaz
, MS student
Our lab member Subin Park is continuing her education as a PhD student.
Jaemin Shin won the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award from KAIST College of Engineering.
Congratulations! Our paper "SelfReplay: Adapting Self-Supervised Sensory Models via Adaptive Meta-Task Replay" and "BioQ: Towards Context-Aware Multi-Device Collaboration with Bio-cues" are accepted at SenSys'25.
Congratulations! Our paper "Private Yet Social: How LLM Chatbots Support and Challenge Eating Disorder Recovery" and "AMUSE: Human-AI Collaborative Songwriting with Multimodal Inspirations" are accepted at CHI'25.
NMSL welcomes four Undergraduate Researchers for the winter, Juseung Lee, Taeyun Roh, and Jaeyoung Shin.
Hyungjun and Seungjoo are off to their internship at Microsoft Research Asia, Shanghai, China. Good luck Hyungjun and Seungjoo!
Congratulations! Our paper "(FL)2: Overcoming Few Labels in Federated Semi-Supervised Learning" is accepted at NeurIPS'24.
Congratulations! Our paper "By My Eyes: Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models with Sensor Data via Visual Prompting" is accepted at EMNLP'24.
Congratulations! Our paper "ContrastSense: Domain-invariant Contrastive Learning for In-the-wild Wearable Sensing" is accepted at IMWUT'24.
Sorn Chottananurak won the Grand Prix in URP Program Workshop (2024 Winter/Spring).
NMSL welcomes four Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Muhammad Izaaz, Dong Min Kim, Seoyoung Park, and Seohyeon Yoo.
Congratulations! Our paper "AETTA: Label-Free Accuracy Estimation for Test-Time Adaptation" is accepted at CVPR'24.
Congratulations! Three papers have been conditionally accepted at CHI'24.
Congratulations! Our paper "FedTherapist: Mental Health Monitoring with User-Generated Linguistic Expressions on Smartphones via Federated Learning" is accepted at EMNLP'23.
Congratulations! Our paper "SoTTA: Robust Test-Time Adaptation on Noisy Data Streams" is accepted at NeurIPS'23.
Adiba and Haerang are off to their internship at Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, UK. Good luck Adiba and Haerang!
NMSL welcomes four Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Janu Kim, Thanh-Long V. Le, Adelia Putri, and Biniyam Aschalew Tolera.
Congratulations! Our paper "LanSER: Language-Model Supported Speech Emotion Recognition" is accepted at INTERSPEECH'23.
Congratulations! Our paper "DAPPER: Label-Free Performance Estimation after Personalization for Heterogeneous Mobile Sensing" is accepted at IMWUT'23.
Congratulations! Our paper "FinerMe: Examining App-level and Feature-level Interventions to Regulate Mobile Social Media Use" is accepted at CSCW'23.
Jaehyun Kwak won the Excellence Award in
URP Program Workshop (2022 Summer/Fall).
Jaemin is off to his internship at Cisco, WA.
Good luck Jaemin!
Taesik Gong won the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award from KAIST School of Computing.
Taesik Gong won the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award from KAIST College of Engineering.
Seungjoo Lee won the KAIST Board of Trustee Chairperson's Prize as part of the KAIST 2023 Whole Person Development Awards.
NMSL welcomes three Undergraduate Researchers
for the winter, Myeongkyun Cho, Eunsu Kim, and Taehan Kim.
Congratulations! Jaemin Shin won the
NAVER Ph.D. Fellowship.
Congratulations! Our paper "Robust Continual Test-time Adaptation: Instance-aware BN and Prediction-balanced Memory" is accepted at NeurIPS'22.
Taesik is off to his internship at Google Research, NYC. Good luck Taesik!
Seungjoo Lee won the Engineering Innovator Award in College of Engineering at KAIST (2022 Spring).
Here are new members of NMSL!
Seungjoo Lee
, MS student
Injae Song
, MS student
Our lab member Taeckyung Lee is continuing his education as a PhD student.
Taesik Gong won the Best TA Award of KAIST SoC.
Sujin Han and Yewon Kim won the Outstanding Question Asker Award of KAIST.
NMSL welcomes three Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Sorn Chottananurak, Canh Hoang Nguyen, and Subin Park.
Congratulations! Our paper "You Are Not Alone: How Trending Stress Topics Brought #Awareness and #Resonance on Campus" is accepted at ACM CSCW '22.
Congratulations! Our paper "FedBalancer: Data and Pace Control for Efficient Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Clients" is accepted at ACM MobiSys '22.
Congratulations! Our paper "Predicting Mind-Wandering with Facial Videos in Online Lectures" is accepted at IEEE/CVF CVPM '22.
Congratulations! Our paper "MyDJ: Sensing Food Intakes with an Attachable on Your Eyeglass Frame" won the Honorable Mention Award at ACM CHI '22.
Here are new members of NMSL!
Hyeongheon Cha, MS student
Sujin Han, MS student
Yewon Kim, MS student
Our lab member Adiba Orzikulova is continuing her education as a PhD student.
Congratulations! Our paper "MyDJ: Sensing Food Intakes with an Attachable on Your Eyeglass Frame" is accepted at ACM CHI'22.
NMSL welcomes two Undergraduate Researchers for the winter, Taewon Kim, and Jaehyun Kwak.
Yewon Kim won the KAIST Alumni Association Chairperson's Prize as part of the KAIST 2022 Whole Person Development Awards!
Congratulations! Our paper "Reflect, not Regret: Understanding Regretful Smartphone Use with App Feature-Level Analysis" won the Best Paper Award and Methods Recognition at ACM CSCW '21.
Yewon Kim won the Engineering Innovator Award in College of Engineering at KAIST (2021 Spring).
Our lab member Ryuhaerang Choi is continuing her education as a PhD student.
Yewon Kim won the Grand Prix in URP Program Workshop (2021 Winter/Spring).
Congratulations! Our paper "Reflect, not Regret: Understanding Regretful Smartphone Use with App Feature-Level Analysis" is accepted at ACM CSCW '21.
NMSL welcomes five Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Myeongjin Shin, Dain Kim, Umidjon Okhunov, Hye-Young Chung and Sojeong Kim.
Congratulations! Our paper "Rushmore: Securely Displaying Static and Animated Images Using TrustZone" is accepted at MobiSys.
Congratulations! Taesik Gong won the
Global Leadership Awards in Creativity category.
Congratulations! Our paper "Adapting to Unknown Conditions in Learning-based Mobile Sensing" is accepted at TMC.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher, Hyeongheon Cha.
Congratulations! Hyunsung Cho won the
NAVER Ph.D. Fellowship.
Congratulations! Taesik Gong won the Google Ph.D. Fellowship.
Taeckyung Lee is selected as a scholarship recipient of Kwon Young-se Scholarship.
Here are new members of NMSL!
Taeckyung Lee, MS student
We are excited to make the move to School of Electrical Engineering.
Here is a new member of NMSL!
Andrew Wan Ju Kang, PhD student
NMSL welcomes five Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Shyngys Aitkazinov, Daeun Choi, Sujin Han, Yewon Kim, and Chanwoo Yun.
Congratulations! Our paper "Messaging Beyond Texts with Real-time Image Suggestions" is accepted at ACM MobileHCI '20.
We open the code and datatset for the MetaSense project (SenSys '19)! Github Link
A video about our research, the MyButler project (CSCW '20), is now available! Youtube Link
Congratulations! Our paper "I Share, You Care: Private Status Sharing and Sender-Controlled Notifications in Mobile Instant Messaging" is accepted with minor revisions at ACM CSCW '20.
NMSL welcomes new Undergraduate Researchers for the spring semester, Taeckyung Lee, and Paul Kim.
Here are new members of NMSL!
Adiba Orzikulova, MS student
HyungJun Yoon, MS student
Our research, X-Droid, was featured in KAIST Breakthroughs, spring 2020.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher for the spring semester, Hieu Dang.
A video about our research, the MetaSense project (ACM SenSys '19), is now available! Youtube Link
Congratulations! Our paper "No More One Liners: Bringing Context into Emoji Recommendations" is accepted at ACM Transactions on Social Computing.
Congratulations! Donghwi Kim won the Naver Ph.D. Fellowship.
A video about our research, the Thermal project (MobiCom '19), is now available! Youtube Link
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a TPC member for ACM MobiSys 2020.
Our research Knocker has gained wide press and media coverage! Please refer to the project website.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher for the fall semester, Cheolho Jeon.
A video about our research, Knocker (UbiComp '19), is now available! Youtube Link
A video about our research, X-Droid (UIST '19), is now available! Youtube Link
Ryuhaerang joined NMSL as an MS student. Welcome!
Yeonsu Kim won the 2nd place in URP Program Workshop (2019 Winter/Spring).
Hyunsung Cho won the Best TA Award of KAIST SoC.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving in CSCW 2020 PC as an Associate Chair.
Congratulations! Our paper "MetaSense: Few-Shot Adaptation to Untrained Conditions in Deep Mobile Sensing" is conditionally accepted at ACM SenSys '19.
Hyunsung Cho is selected as a scholarship recipient of the 2019 Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a co-TPC chair of IEEE SECON.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a TPC member for ACM MobiCom 2020 & IEEE INFOCOM 2020.
Congratulations! Our paper "Knocker: Vibroacoustic-based Object Recognition with Smartphones" is accepted with minor revisions at ACM IMWUT (UbiComp) '19.
Congratulations! Our paper "X-Droid: A Quick and Easy Android Prototyping Framework with a Single App Illusion" is conditionally accepted at ACM UIST '19.
NMSL welcomes three Undergraduate Researchers. Paul Kim, Sangheon Kim, and Yoonseo Kim.
Congratulations! Our video "Video: Real-Time Object Identification with a Smartphone Knock" won the Best Video Award at ACM MobiSys '19.
Jaewon joined NMSL as an MS student. Welcome!
Donghwi Kim won KAIST School of Computing's the Best TA Award.
NMSL welcomes five Undergraduate Researchers. Hyunwoo Kang (welcome back!), Seungjoo Lee, Jaeho Moon, Jinyoung Oh, and HyungJun Yoon.
Congratulations! Taesik Gong won the Naver Ph.D. Fellowship.
Our paper, "Fire in Your Hands: Understanding Thermal Behavior of Smartphones", is accepted at ACM MobiCom '19.
Congratulations! Donghwi Kim won the Qualcomm-KAIST Innovation Award.
Our two papers "Intelligent Positive Computing with Mobile, Wearable, and IoT Devices: Literature Review and Research Directions" and " Use MU-MIMO at Your Own Risk - Why We Don't Get Gb/s Wi-Fi" are accepted at Ad Hoc Networks Journal.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a co-TPC Chair of Workshop on AI in Networks (WAIN).
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a TPC member for ACM MobiCom 2019 & IEEE INFOCOM 2019.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher, Jaewon Jung.
NMSL welcomes three Undergraduate Researchers for the summer, Chan Ju Chong, Yeonsu Kim, and SangHyeon Lee.
Taesik Gong won the best demo/poster award at ACM SIGCHI Local Chapter, KAIST
Our research, Zaturi, was featured in KAIST Breakthroughs, spring 2018.
NMSL welcomes a visiting professor for the spring semester, Steve Ko.
Our paper Identifying Everyday Objects with a Smartphone Knock is accepted at ACM CHI EA '18.
Youngjae Min won the 2nd place in URP Program Workshop (2017 Summar/Fall & Long-Term).
Taesik Gong won the best demo/poster award at HCI@KAIST workshop '18
Here are new members of NMSL!
Hyunsung Cho, 1st year MS student
Jaemin Shin, 1st year MS student
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee is ACM MobiCom 2018 TPC member.
NMSL welcomes four Undergraduate Researchers. Hyun Woo Kang, Young Seok Kim (welcome back!), Chanyoung Ryu, and Dongjun Youn.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher for the fall semester, Jaemin Shin.
NMSL welcomes a new Undergraduate Researcher for the fall semester, Jihoon Ko.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a TPC member for ACM HotMobile 2018.
Donghwi Kim and Joon-Gyum Kim won KAIST School of Computing's the Best TA Award.
Our research on smartphone notification management system was featured on media. Link
NMSL welcomes five Undergraduate Researchers for the summer semester. Youngkyu Hong, Jaehun Kim, Young Seok Kim, Taehyung Kwon and Youngjae Min.
Our lab was interviewed by Lab by lab project. Link
Donghwi Kim won the best paper award in USENIX NSDI 2017. "mOS: A Reusable Networking Stack for Flow Monitoring Middleboxes"
Sooyoung Park Joined NMSL as an MS student!
NMSL welcomes four Undergraduate Researchers for the Spring semester. Hyunsung Cho, Gunwoo Kim, Juhee Lee and Ju Yeon Yoon
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee has been appointed as a KAIST Endowed Chair Professor.
Taesik Gong and Chunjong Park won KAIST School of Computing's the Best TA Award.
Chunjong Park won KAIST School of Computing's the Best MS Thesis Award.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee will be serving as a TPC member for ACM MobiCom 2017 & ACM CoNext 2017.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee has won the ACM WiNTECH Test-of-Time paper award.
Junhyuk joined NMSL as an MS student!
Our two papers, “Don’t Bother Me. I’m Socializing!”: Breakpoint-Based Smartphone Notification System and Zaturi: We Put Together the 25th Hour for You. Create a Book for Your Baby, are accepted and will be presented at ACM CSCW 2017.
We created a FAQ page (in Korean) for prospective students.
Sunwoo Kim won KAIST School of Computing's the Best TA Award.
Joon Gyum successfully presented our demo, 'MilliCat: Real-Time Autonomous Image Suggestion for Mobile Messaging', at ACM MobiSys '16.
Here are new members of NMSL!
Taesik Gong, 1st year MS student
Soowon Kang, 1st year MS student
Here are new members of NMSL!
Donghwi Kim, 1st year Ph.D student
Hyunwoo Choi, 1st year MS student
Jungsuk Oh, 1st year MS student
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee, Chunjong, and Joon Gyum attended and successfully presented our paper and poster at HotMobile '16.
Sunwoo Kim, a 2nd year Ph.D student, joined NMSL.
Chunjong Park won KAIST School of Computing's the Best TA Award.
Our poster, 'Mitigating Smartphone Interruptions During Social Interactions', is accepted and will be presented at ACM HotMobile '16
Our paper, 'A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Improving Mobile Messaging with Real-time Autonomous Image Suggestion', is accepted and will be presented at ACM HotMobile '16.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee has accepted to serve in
ACM MobiCom 2016 TPC.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee and Prof. Yung-Yi co-chaired FI Summit 2015. FI Summit 2015.
'Systematic Mining of Associated Server Herds for Malware Campaign Discovery' won IEEE ICDCS 2015 best paper award.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee has been appointed
as IEEE INFOCOM 2016 TPC Chair.
Prof. Sung-Ju Lee founded NMSL. Chunjong and Joon Gyum joined NMSL.